Photo: Brian Peniston
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The Great Himalaya Trail Project!

The Great Himalaya Trail Project is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax deductible organization with the goal of creating a 1000-KM trekking trail across the entire country of Nepal that connects over 100 villages across the Himalayan range. The result will be a continuous trail for hiker and tourist to enjoy whole bring economic opportunities to some of the poorest yet proudest people in the world.

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1000 KM Trail

The 1000 KM Great Himalaya Trails winds from charming village to village, over beautiful hills, deep valleys, crossing swift rivers and over high mountain passes, through magnificent landscapes, past sacred sites — all under the shadow of the tallest mountains in the world. 
Connecting Villages

The Great Himalaya Trail wanders through hundreds of Nepal’s most charming, remote and least developed villages, through dense forests, passing sacred sites and beautiful monasteries—all far ‘off the beaten track.'


Ultimately the completed project will engage thousands of the extraordinary people—with a special focus on the hardy mountain women. Harnessing teams of experienced Nepali facilitators who will mobilize local people in mountain villages to protect their environment, wildlife, and cultural resource to create an indigenous ecotourism industry to substantially raise their incomes.
The Great Himalaya Trail Project Map
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